The Great Progression
One Night. $250,000 for missions.

Date: January 24, 2025
Location: The Commons
4750 Swinyar Dr, Collegedale, TN

6pm: Gathering Appetizers, hot air balloon rides, photos
7pm: Dinner & The Program

Attire: Black tie or 1920s Black Tie

Minimum Contribution: $500 per person

Join us for an unforgettable night with Far-Flung Tin Can!

“Far-Flung’s Great Progession” Will be a historic fundraiser gala toward our global missions work! During this special black tie event, we’ll enjoy 1920s live music, hot air balloon rides, unique, photo opportunities, a grand dinner, and the premiere of our special 1920s theme documentary “100 Years of Far-Flung”!

Our goal is to raise a massive $250,000 in a single night! This will go to our work and specific projects. We are working on in Mozambique, the Philippines, Peru, the Brazilian, and Thailand.

We believe everyone reading this will help make this event a success!

We want everyone who loves the work of FAR-FLUNG to be there for the special event and YOU can be a part in one of THREE ways!!

1 - You have the $500 - you have the time - just register and join us!

2 - You want to come - but are a little short on funds. Guess what?? We’ve set up the registration as we do our missions trips. We encourage anyone who wants to be there to tell their friends and family about your heart to raise money for missions everywhere. You will be set up with the ability to share giving links and see your progress towards your $500 goal.

3 - You can't make it - but you want to give! We have a link you can visit where you can donate towards someone who is raising funds, or you can just give towards our $250,000 goal! Its that simple!

Select how you plan to be a part of The Great Progression below.
It is a day that will go down in history!!